WHAT: The Minnesota Commanders’ Task Force (CTF), together with the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC) and the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers (MACVSOs) will be holding a joint Veterans Day on the Hill event in the State Capitol Rotunda to announce their 2014 joint legislative agenda. Veterans Day on the Hill is open to the public and is a day when Veterans of all eras in Minnesota unite as one common voice to speak on behalf of the over 370,000 Veterans in the state of Minnesota. Veterans from around the state are encouraged to participate and meet with the legislators, by appointment, at the conclusion of the event.
WHO: Veterans, State Legislators, members of Veteran Service Organizations, County Veterans Service Officers and more. This year’s program will also include a presentation of colors, invocation, and brief remarks from the CTF Chair, the UVLC President, and the MACVSO President.
WHEN: Monday, March 17, 10-11 a.m.
WHERE: State Capitol Rotunda