The United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC), together with the Minnesota Commanders’ Task Force (CTF) and the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers (MACVSO) will be holding a joint Veterans Day on the Hill event in the Capitol Rotunda to advocate for their 2012 joint legislative agenda Wednesday, Feb. 15. Veterans from around the state will be participating and engaging their legislators.

“Today is a day when we unite as one common voice to speak on behalf of the 381,000 Veterans in the State of Minnesota,” said Raymond Trebus, CTF chair. “As the wars wind down and service members return home, we must remind the Legislature of the issues most important to the Veterans of Minnesota.”

The rally begins at 9:00 am in the Capitol Rotunda with the posting of the colors and invocation. Governor Mark Dayton will deliver the keynote address. Additional remarks will be given by Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Deputy Commissioner Reggie Worlds, CTF Chair Ray Trebus, UVLC Chairman Ralph Donais and MACVSO President Todd Kubinski. Veterans are encouraged to meet with their legislators, by appointment, at the conclusion of the rally.

“This event encourages Minnesota Veterans to become part of the legislative process,” said Larry Shellito, Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. “Veterans Day on the Hill provides Veterans the opportunity to meet with legislators and energize support for important initiatives that impact Minnesota Veterans and their families.”

The program will include a ceremony to honor two World War II Veterans. Ken Krueger of Blaine and John Teman of Eden Prairie have been awarded the Knight of the Legion of Honor by the French government, the country’s highest military honor. Krueger and Teman will be presented with these medals in gratitude of their service in helping to liberate France during World War II.